Marble has been, and is now, the principal manufacture of the town. This commenced about the year 1840, and considerable importance is attached to it. Previous to that time, grave stones were hewn out by James Lincoln, and others. The first mill for sawing marble, was built at the Borough, by William Kelley, Alfred and Albert Kelley, and about the same time another was built by Moulton Fish, Elisha Fish, and Allen Congor, who for a time was extensively engaged in the business. In 1841, another was built by Aaron Rogers, Elisha Rogers, and Seth Griffith. In 1845, a new one was put in operation by George Griffith, John T. and Gardner Griffith, which flourished for a number of years. In 1848, a mill was built, and run by William I lnskins, and Hiram Kelley, which did a good business for several years. Aaron Rogers, Jr., William Stimpson, and Hannibal Hopkins, next went into the business in 1850, and were largely engaged.
The building of the Railroad, greatly inereased the manufacture of marble, so that a number of mills were kept in operation for a long time. The business, has deelined some since 1860. Soon after the new road was built, another mill was erected by George F. Kelley, and run for sometime. This has since been run by Albert, and Alfred Kelley. The property is now owned by John H. Vail, of Brandon. A now one was also built by William Kelley. All these were built upon Mill Brook.. In addition to those above named, there have been others engaged in the business, among whom are J. M. Fish, Henry White, A. T. Lawrence, of New York, Thomas Lymington & Co., of Baltimore, Franklin Post, of Wallingford, and others. In 1862, the Western Vermont Marble Co., was formed, L. S. Waldo, Agent, which continued until 1868, when the property was leased by L. S. Waldo, who is at present the only one engaged in the business. Soon after, another Company, was formed, James Panton, Agent, which run until 1864. The Vermont Marble Co., was formed in 1865, G. J. Locke, Agent, which run but one season only. Notwithstanding a lapse of thirty years nearly, since the first Quarry was opened, there yet remains an untold wealth of marble, which capital and enterprise will at some future day develope.
There has been two trip hammers in town, for the manufaeture of edge tools. The first was built at the Borough in 1795, by Samuel Dow, and the other by Savid Bartlett, and Isaac South wick, in 1810, near the residence of Henry B. Kelley. In 181-), Abel nn,l Snvid Bartlett, curried on tho business of manufacturing hoes, axes, seythes, &c., until 1821, when the business went into the hands of Jeremy Bartlett; The first blacksmith the Corners, was built by Henry Herrick, Jr.. and among those who have been engaged at blncksmithing, aro John Williams, ,Silas Pickering, Allen Willis, Benj. Cross, John Aldrich, John McGoom, Knt.ns Cady, James Morrispn, William Sweat, Amasa Brown, Jacob Lyon, Charles, and Gilman Brown, Jay Potter, David Lane, Thomas Burns, Ephraim Gillntore, Henry Belding, John Conoly, P. A. Broughton, Daniel Watrous, and others.
Brown was succeeded by Henry Herriek, Jr., who kept a public house for twenty-one years. The town and freemen's meetings were held here for a long time, and considerable public business transacted. His successor was David Kelley, after whom came
Rufus Bucklin, Jr., John Sweat, Ephraim Chase, McCol
lister, Jeptha Frost, and others.
Bccelin, Albert, m. Sally, da. of Elisha Fish, and settled on the Thomas Button farm, where he still lives. He is one of the leading and influential men of the town. He has served in nearly every town office, and by diseharging his duties with ability, he has won the confidence of his townsmen in an eminent degree. He is a good counsellor and safe adviser, and his talent is frequently called into requisition. He has been a justice of the peace for many years ; constable ten years ; and a member of the Legislature three years. He is, at present, towu elerk and treasurer. Their children are: Silas; David, died some years since; Harriet; Lucinda; Mary: George A., killed ut Petersburg, Va.; Susan ; and Charles, K. m. Semum ha, da. of Ira Vail.
Colvtn, Nelson, m. Elizabeth, da. of John Fish, and settled on the homestead. He has owned and run a cider mill for many years, being a very industrious, thrifty fauner, and universally esteemed a valuable citizen. Ho is a man of good morals and steady habit*. They have but two children : Huldah andBenajah. Huldah m. Henry Griffin, and has two children, the eldest of whom is Nelson. Hennjah m. first Amelia, da. Ira H. Vail, and next Lucinda Hosmore, and lives with his father.
. Eddy, Benjamtn F., a native of Jamaica, Vt., came from Lndlow in 1862 and settled at the Borough, being by trade a mechanie. He m. Wealthy Wilder, who died of consumption in 1865, leaving one son, Frank. Mr. Eddy is also a music teacher by profession, having tanght a school here nearly every year since his residence among us, being considered one of the best teachers in ihe State. He is also leader of the Danby Cornet Hand, which was formed mainly through his instrumentality. But few men better understand the art of mnsic, or have contributed more towards building up and sustaining choir singing in our churehes. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity, and oecupies a high position. He now resides in Mt. Tabor, and holds the office of justice of the peace. He was again m. in 1868 to Harriett, widow of Elisha Sweat.
(Elisha Fish?)
Ftsh, Eusha, from Rhode Island in 1778, m. Elizabeth Wilbur, and settled on the present homestead of Freelove Fish. He was one of the earliest settlers in that part of the town. Being a frugal and skillful farmer, a man of uncommon energy and industry, ho acquired considerable property. As.a citizen he was universally esteemed. He died in 1845, aged 83, his wife in 1848 aged 83. Their children were John, Prndence, Susan, Florence, Joseph, Sally, Betsey and Sophronia. Joseph m. Betsey Bogart, lives in Sandy Hill, N. Y., and is a skillful mechanie.
Ftsh, John, m. Abagail Moultou and sueceeded to the home, stead of his father. He subsequently settled at the Borough, whore Daniel Keller now lives. He was a peaceable, quiet citizen, and much respected. He resided at the Borough until 1855, when he removed to Illinois, where he died in 1864, aged 77. His children were Sarah, m. David Wetherby; Moulton, Eliza, Elislm, Daniel, Bradford, m. Maria Gould; Charlotte, m Rcubin Aladexuu; George and James. Moulton m, Martha, da. of Asa •Smith, and settled at the Borough. He is a man of good business talent and enterprise, and was an active business man here for many years. He was largely engaged in the marble business, and built and run a mill for several years. In 1848 he built the stone blacksmith shop at the Borough and carried on the blacksmithing business there. The village known as "Fishvillo"was built up mainly through his enterprise. He is now(1868) living in Aurora, 11l. But few men have done more towards adding to the prosperity of the town. George m. Semantha Vail and lives in Aurora, 11l., of which city he has been marshal for four years. James m. Eunice Reed and lives at the Borough, being engaged in the mereantile business. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and a worthy member of society. He represented the town in the Legislature in 1868, diseharging his duty with fidelity and ability, and is now town grand juror. He is also Postmaster, to which office he has recently been appointed. They have three children, of whom are Abbic and Charles, the latter of whom, Charles, is deaf and dumb and is now receiving an education at the deaf and dumb asylum, Hartford, Ct. Daniel, m. Sarah Cole and has a family of tv/o children: Eliza and Fred E.
Ftse, Benjamin, from Seituate, R. I., in 1789, settled on the farm lately occupied by H. E. Johnson, where he lived for a period of 79 years, or until his death. He came here at the age of 16, accompanied by his two brothers, Roubin and Benoni, who had sold out their farm in Rhode Island, for the purpose of seeking a home in a new country. After a year or two Benjamin went back to Rhode Island and married Miss Freelove Colvin and returned to Danby, bringing his wife and a few household effects with an ox team. He lived in a log house twenty years, when he erected the framed house now standing. He possessed a rugged constitution and was remarkably fitted to encounter the obstaeles and endure the privations necessarily experienced during the establishment of a homo in the wilderness. Mr. Fisk was n great hunter and trapper in the early days, and many good stories are related of his adventures with wild game, then afforded in great abundance. Deer were then quite plenty.— When at an advanced age, and somewhat childish, he would relate his hunting adventures of sixty or seventy-five years ago, as if they had happened but yesterday, and would sometimes imagine that he was hunting deer or trapping for mink. This was his forte in his younger days, in which he took great pride. His wife died in 1844, aged 72. He subsequently m. Polly Taylor. Mr. Fisk led a laborious, industrious life, always peaceable and unassuming, and died in 1866 at the ripe old Age of 95, having become quite helpless for a few of the last years of his life. He raised a family of eleven children : Elizabeth, Benjamin, Lucretin, Luey, Chloe, Lyman R., Hiram, Daniel, Joel, Oliver and Freelove. Elizabeth m. Benjamin Colvin and lives in Clarendon. Benjamin m. Catherine Colvin and settled in Clarendon. Luey m. Warren Potter, of Clarendon, and Chloc m. Jeremiah Ormsby. Joel has been twice m., his first wife's name being Lanra Fit*. He lives in Colehester, Vt.
Hoirron, Luman, from .Ml. Tabor in 1802, lives near the Borough, and is a carpenter and joiner by trade. He m. Phebu Bull, and raised a family of two children : Catharine, m. Isaac Sweat; and Nehemiah, now in California.
Ktng, Jon, from Tiverton K. I., was the first settler on the farm now owned by Stephen Harrington, where he lived and died. He married Sarah Fish, and raised a family of seven children : Joseph, Buth, Lydia, Eunice Experience, m. Prince Allen. Joseph m. a Matteson, and settled near his father. Lydia m. Willard Bromley; Eunice, m. Daniel Hill, and Hannah m. David Sturtevant.
Lat-ham, Jbssie, m. Elizabeth da. of David Griffith, and settled at the Horough in the mereantile business. He commenced trade quite young, for which he possessed a peculiar tact and ability. He first entered the business with his brother Joseph, with whom he was connected for a number of years. After continuing the business here for some time, they removed to Troy, N. Y. where they remained in trade several years. Jessie then returned, and went into trade again at the Borough, in which he continued to nearly the elose of his life. The store in which he first traded,stood near the bridge on the north side of the stream and near the present residence of James Fish. He afterwards erected a new store, near the present residence of M. H. Cook. In 1824, he built the "stone store" now owned by William Pieree. Ho was very prosperous in business and accumulated a large fortune. Ho was noted for his accurate business habits, and his fortune was the result of prndent management rather than lucky speculation. Ho was a large stockholder in the Western Vt. R. II., in the failure of which he lost quite heavily. He was also connected with the Danby Bank, of which he was for several years President. Mr. Lapham was a man of great natural talent and shrewdness, possessing a sound and diseriminating jndgement, and a determined will, being well caleulated to lead in all matters in which he took a part. The native elements of character which marked him so decisively for a leader in whatever sphere he moved, secured for him many prominent positions, which merited and commanded respect. As a merehant he attained v. high rank, being enterprising and suecessful, and his store was for many years an important and well known center for a wide region. As a citizen he was also cuterprising, disereet and public spirited, which united in any person make their mark on a community, and exert a signal intluence in society. Never inelined to protrnde himself, always marked by a true modesty of disposition, he was ever ready to aet, whenever he could do so wisely, never departing from sound principles, He was a friend of religion, being consistent in his views, and efficient in contibuting towards its support. He was also active in the promotion of every good work, in building up his town and society, and his name must fill a couspicious place in any just estimate of its history. As a man he was highly respected, being social and winning in his ways, prompt, apt, correct and eminently upright in his dealings, a kind neighbor and friend. Equanimity of temper and habits charaeterized his general deportment, which made him estimable in all his relations, and his loss was justly a public one. He died in 1863, aged 75. His widow is still living, and resides upon the homestead, to which his sous resort each season, it being one of the finest summer residences in the state. The names of their children are as follows: George who was drowned at the age of 1.1, Henry, Sophrouia, m A. R. Vail, and is now dead; Silas, died young; Daniel, also died young ; Oliver and Lewis, now dead. Henry m. Semunthu da. of John Vail, and resides in New York city, where he has long been engaged in the mereantile business, having acquired an ample fortune. Oliver is also a merehant, and lives in New York City.
At the death of his father, Abraham, in company with two otner men, ereeted a mill, but soon after he sold the property left him by his father, and removed to Cambridge, Mass. He.resided in Lynn in 1778, and purehased land there; in Mason, N. H. 1781; in Chester, Vt. in 1790, in Rockingham 1793, where hit resided until about 1815, when he came to Danby, and settled near the Borough. He was a soldier of the revolution, and had a Lientenant,s commission. Ho acquired a handsome property, which he lost by the depreciation of continental money. He died Feb. 28th, 1820, aged 07 years and 6 months. His wifo died Mareh 12th, 1816, aged 61. They had six children: Abraham, b. Nov. 28th, 1776, Daniel, b. Mareh 8th, 1779, James, b. May 22d, 1781, and d. in 1800; Betsey, b. Aug 8th, 1783, m. Aaron Fuller of Crown Point; Isaac M., b. Sept. 24th, 1780; John M., b. Aug. 28th, 1790, and William S., b. Feb. 28th, 1793. Daniel m. Sally Proctor of Rockiitgham, Vt.. and in 1810 moved to Moriah, N. Y. where he died in 1839. Isaac M. married Lucinda Finny of Chester, and resided here a short time. He removed to Westport, N. Y., and died in 1828. John M. married Lorany Finny of Springfield, and sister of Lucinda, who m. Isaac M. Locke. He lived in Moriah and Crown Point, N. Y., and raised a family of seven children. He was a resident of Danby for several years. William S. Xvas a physician. He stndied his profession with his brother, Dr. Abraham, at Danby. He m. Julia Bucklin of Wnllingford, and resided at Moriah and Crown Point. They raised a family of several children, of whom Darwin died at Crown Point in 1838; Julia married a Farwell of Wallingford, Vt., and di:d in 1849, leaving four children, and Edwin O., m. Mahala Fish of Little Valley, N. Y. He is a lawyer by profession, and was elected District Jndge of the Supreme Court of N. Y., in 1849. He resided nt^Little Valley.
Maxuan, Milton, a native of Dickenson, N. Y., came from Wallingford in 1844. He m. Francis Fish, da. of Joseph Fish, and settled at the Borough. They have a family of two children : Julia and Emma.
Read, Ttmothy a native of Swanzy, N. H., came to Danby in 1726 ; m Eunice, widow of Barton Kelly, and .settled on the farm obtained by his wife. He was a man great foree and energy and had the name of being an upright, industrious, honest, hard working man. He was at one time the owner of a large property, and was one of the most extensive farmers in town. But few men labored more hours in a day. He was also a shoemaker by trade, and worked considerable at that business. He was a man of good ability, and occupied numerous positions of honor and responsibility. He was selectman five years ; lister three years, representative to the Legislature two years ; and a justice of the peace two years, in all of which he performed his duties with eredit, and continued to the last to enjoy the confidence and esteem uf all. Mr. Read was a man of good talents and acquirements, an active, sterling business man, a consistent christian and a valued member of society. He was also a public spirited man, always devoted to the interests of the town and contributed largely towards building up society, and for the advancement of morality and religion, always dispensing with a liberal hand to the poor and needy. He was mainly instrumental in building the chureh south of the Corners, which he was firm and persovering in accomplishing, and by which he became seriously embarassed. He was a man decided in his opinions, and remarkable for the energy with which he carried forward whatever he undertook. He possessed great equanimity and fortitnde, was not uplifted by prosperity or cast down by adversity ; but rather inherited and cultivated through life a cheerful disposition. He was a very early riser, although the last to retire at night. So active and prompt was he in the fulfillment of his contracts, that he was known at various times to set up all night to make a pair of boots, and that it might not interfere with his labor on the farm. But few men were his mateh at farm labor, being very tnll in stature and of a robust frame, as well as being very stout. He was a great mower, concerning which many good stories are related. We have been told that at one time he mowed a swath nineteen feet in width. He was a kind friend and an obliging neighbor. No man ever lived more respected, or died more regretted. His death occurred from disease of the heurt, February 19th, 1849, aged 52. His widow is now living, at the age of 84, having been n very smart, industrious woman through life. Their children nre Eunice, m. James Fish; Charles T., Luey and Edward J., who lives upon the homestead. Luey has been deaf and dumb since the age of five, being cansed by the cankerash, and blind since the ngeof eleven. She is one of the most remarkable persons on record. She possesses ability for performing work far beyond those of many persons endowed with perfect senses. Although deprived of the sense of seeing and hearing, never to behold the faces of friends. or the glories and beanties of nature, or hear the voices of affection and those she loves, yet by the use of the other senses, she is enabled to know them and to perform many things. God in his goodness has so organized the human family, that where one sense is deficient, it is made up in a measure by the others. In her case the loss of these two most important senses, is more than made up by the action of the others. For it is truly wonderful to look at the labor performed by her, from the braiding of the finest hair fish line to the piecing of a bed quilt. The order, neatness and regularity displayed, is unexcelled. She can distinguish color and quality as readily as any person. In piecing bed quilts, the colors are all neatly and tastefully arranged, and her knitting, sewing and braiding is all done in the highest style of the art. She performs various other kinds of labor, in which she also diplays great mechanism. Her work has taken the preminm at our State and County Fairs. She is now about 35 years of age.
Smith, Asa son of Ebenezer, m. Rhoda Baker, of East on, N. Y., and settled on the farm now owned by his son Ebonezer. He was somewhat deranged for many years, cansed by receiving a blow upon the back of the head. He was also blind for many years, and we are told that he did not leave his farm for nearly twenty years, previous to his death. Ho died in 1845, aged 65 ; his wife in 1866, aged 76. .Their children are : Renbin, Phebem. C. M. Bruce ; Martha m. Moulton Fish ; and Ebenezer A. Renben m. Elizabeth Wells, and settled where Henry Wilbur now lives, after which he removed to Illinois ; Ebenezer m. Anna Wells, and settled upon the homestead. She died in 1867. He next m. Emily da. of Orange Green.
Sweat, Wtlliam from Shoreham, Vt.,m. Sophrouia Fish, and settled at the Corners, where he kept tavern. He died hero in 1847, aged 51, leaving three children: Elizabeth, Elisha and Isaac. Elizabeth m. E. B. Bond, and resides at the Borough ; Elisha m. Harriet Hill of Sndbury, Vt. He was a soldier in the war of 1861, serving in tho position of Orderly Scargeut of Co. K. 14th Regt. Vt. Vols., and died of wounds received at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; Isaac m. Catherine da. of Luman Horton, and resides near the Borough.********************************************
Sweat, Augustus m. Lydia da. of Nathan Smith, and settled nt the Borough. He removed to Bridport, Vt., and from there to Shorehum. He finally removed to tho west, where he died a number of years since.
Vail, Iua H., m. Mary, da. of Ephraim Chace, and succeeded to the homestead. He is a thrifty former, a man of integrity and industry, having accummulated a good property. He has been a selectman two years ; a Justice of the Peace five years, and was a member of the Legislature in 1859. They have raised o family of seven children : Edward I., m. Julia Fish ; Amelia, William Henry, m. Alice Reynolds, and lives in Collins, N. Y.; Semantha, Lydia, d. in 1864, aged 11 ; Jennie and Ada.
Wetheuuy, David, from New York, m. Sarah Fish, and settled on the Joseph AlIen farm. Their children are: John, Matthew, Sarah, Benhnma, Ephraim, Moul1on, Nelson. Daniel and Omar. John went to sea a number of years ago ; Mathew m. Cynthia Johnson, and now resides in Manchester ; Sarah m. Harrison Vail, and died a few year* since ; Moulton m. Harriet Gorton, and lives in Wisconsin l Nelson m. Julia, da. of Caleb Colvin and resides in Dorset.
This regiment enlisted for nine months, under Col. William T. Nichols, Aug. 27, 1802, and was mustered in at Brattleboro, Oct. 21, 1802. During the greater part of its ternl of service it \vas stationed near Fairfax Court House, Vn., where it frequently came in contaet with the guerillas which infested that vicinity., .and Mosbyis rebel cavalry. When Gem Lee invaded Pennsylvania in the latter part of Jurtc, 1863, it was ordered by foreed marehes to join the Army of the Potomae, and brought up nt _Gettysburg on the evening of the nfst day of July, 1863. It inarehed a distance of One hundred and tlprtymiles, through nrttt1 fend rain, in seven days. The 14th regiment, in conucetion vith the lith, 13th, 15th and 16th regiments of nine months men, formed the 3d Vermont Brigade* And during this campaign Vas assigned to the 1st Army Corps. lhe regiment bore A con1 .spicnous part in the battlo of Gettysburg, and was hljhly complimented, both by Gen. Stn.nnrt.rd, Brigade Commander* and by Gen. Doubleday, the commandant of the division. Though ex^. ftosed to the severest, flre of tlie enemy., not a tm\n shirked hi* ,duty, but all stood their ground, "as though rooted to the earth..'i vfhe 2d Vt.. brigade being placed In tins front lino, In tire center po*ition,"--lhe most important in the whole line, for flcArty twenty.lour hours, it gallantly repelled a vigorous attack, by on overwhelming foree of seventeen thousand rebels, and after sustaining ft terriflic Ifre from scventyflve to one hundred pieces of artillery., the result of which Contributed essentially towards achieving*, .one of the most glorioas and decisive vietories of the war. The .cusualities of tkc fourteenth regiment were twentynVe killed and seventy-five wounded. The regiment soon after this, July 30th., \vas mustered out At BrAttleboro*. lhis town furni*hed twenty ,eight men for this regiment: Klias S. Baker, GcOrge S. Baker, John I,\ Baker. Henry Bromley, Alonao N. Colvin, John Cook. John A. Crundall, Frftucis R. Crapo., Daniel V. Croft., E«ra Croft* Benjamin li\ Dawson, Caleb 1,. Fisfc, Smith Green, GArdner F. Griffith, Julins C. Gritlith, Enos Hnrringtou, jr.* David H. Kel. ly, Isaac \V. Kelly, Daniel H.. Lane* Lysander B. Lord, Foster J. PamV* William W. Stimpson, Elisha F. Sweat, John C\ Thompson, Ilenfy H, Vanghau. William Wigbtmnn, jn, JohnC> Williams and Martin V. Williams. They all returned home with the exception of George 8. Baker, Fisk, Sweat and Vang* lion. The rest with the exception of Colvin, served out their term of enlistment, And wore mUStcrcd out with the regiment. CoK vin was Captain of Co. K, but resigned on account of ill health* Feb. 10. 1X6.;); and as an officer whs greatly beloved by his mem John F. Baker oecupied the position of Corporal, and made A
food soldier. Elias S) baker wits promoted Corporal, Feb. 4, 863, and was considered the best marksman in his Company. Daniel V. Croff served as musicu1u in Co. K. Julins Ci Grimth was u member of Co. B. And served in the position of wngoneu tsaac W. Kelly enlisted as SergeAnt of Co. B. and was promoted 1st Sergia1nt July 3, 18C3 ; he was also a good soldier atl'l great' ly beloved by his cOmrndesi IiAne set.ved as musician in Co. ft. Thompson was captain of Co; B; arid was a worthy Officer: Wighlmau served in the position Of )Juafter Master .3t4rgennt. Martin V, Williams, served as Principal Musician of lhc regiment. John C. Williams, enlisted as Corporal of Co. B. but was transfered to Co. K. as Musician, Mareh, 1st 1863.
Elisua F. Sweat, Sou of William Sweat, enlisted for nine months in Co. K. 14th regiment, Sept. 18, 1862, and occupied the position of 1st Sergeant. He was killed at the battle of Gettysburg, July 3. 1803, aged 30. He was a man of intelligence, of peaceable industrious habits, and highly respected, both as a citizen and soldier. He was brave and faithful in the performance of duty, and comrades mourned his loss. His remains was brought home for interment, in October 1803.*********************************************
Perhaps many would deem this work very iuperfect without something being said of the local militia. We will therefore add n brief sketeh, from the first settlement of tho town, our fu1hors seem to have acquired a military spirit, and were very aetive in organizing military companies. It became necessary at a very early day, to organize a military company, which arose from our eritical relations to New York, the revolutionary struggle, and the almost constant apprehensions of an invasion from Canada. Up to about 1812, there was but one standing company after which there were three, one in the Little Village, one at the Corners, and one at the Borough. These companies continued in existence down to about 1840, when they were disbanded. Besides these standing companies, there was organized and maintained for a long period, a company of Cavalry, which was in existence at a very early day, but we are unable to determine the precise date of its organization. A portion of this company belonged in Wells and Tinmouth. There was but one captain from this town ; James McDaniels.
The first infantry company was in existence as early as 1775. Its captains were : Micah Vail, John Vail, Alexander Barrett, Miner Hilliard, Son. Stephen Calkins Jr. and Edward Vail .Among tho members of this company were : Moses Vail, Ira Vnil, Micah Vail, Allen Vail, Joseph Bartlett, Martin Larabee, Daniel Allen,lia Allen, Joseph Allen, King Allen, Benajah Colvin, Benoni Colvin, Lu* ther Colvin, Moses Colvin, Jeremiah Colvin, Caleb Colvin, Allen King, Arnold King, Ezckel Cook, Sylvanus Cook and William Cook. This company continued until about 1812, when the three companies of infantry were organized, the one at the Corners being the oldest.
Its captains were : Stephen Calkins, Jr., Edward Vail, Joseph Allen, Seley Vail, Azh. Hilliard, Isaac Hilliard, Dennis Horton, Isaac McDaniels and Miner Hilliard, 2d. Among its members were: Edward Vail, Jr., Ira Seley, Bromley Seley, Jonathan Seley, Williard Bromley, Miner Bromley, Israel Fisk, Renbin Fisk, Daniel Fisk, Hiram Fisk, Oliver Fisk, Rial Fisk, Joab Fisk, John Colvin, Ira Bromley, Burt Bromley, Bethuel Bromley, Roswell Bromley, Herrick Bromley, John Bromley, Andrew Bromley, Hiram Bromloy, Nelson Bromley, Erastus Bromley, Jefferson Sherman, Elihu Sherman, Edmund Sherman, Jr., BartouSherman, Ransom Sherman, Josiah Phillips, Orrin Parris and Rowland Green.
The company at the Borough, or east side of the town was next organized. Its captains were : Charles Wells, David Youngs, Benjamin Barnes, William Johnson, Allen Griffith and Seth Griffith. Among its members were: Edward Tabor, Arden Tabor, John Tabor, Gideon Tabor, John T. Griffith, Phillip Griffith, Daniel Griffith, Benj. Griffith, Hiram Griffith, George Griffith, Gardner Griffith, Bradford Barnes, Jr., Isaac Griffith, Anson Griffith, John White, Joel Perry, Eitos Harrington, William Soulo, Gardner Soule, Wesson Soule, James Soule, Pardon Koule, John Soule, John Fish, Joseph Fish, Joshua Allen, Isaac Allen, Laden Phillips, Isaac Phillips and Noah Phillips.
The one known as the Little Village company was next organized. Its captains were: Elijah Lillie, Hosea Barnes, Caleb Parris, 2d, Hiram Lillie, and some others. The ordinary of duty for these companies, was to meet on the first Tuesday of Juno in each year, for inspection of arms and drill, and on the first Tuesday in October, for drill and exereise to which were sometimes added the performance of mock fights. They also attended general muster, ouco in two years. usually at Tinmouth for review. Occasionally they met for brigade review. The only compensation for nil their services, and for keeping themselves uniformed, armed and equipped, was an exemption from poll tax, worth to each one perhaps, seventy-five cents per year.
Under the act of 1864, a military orgruizatitn was effected in conjunction with Ml. Tabor, consisting of fifty men, most of whom are from this town. Its officers were : Milton H. Pember, captain ; Isaac W. Kelly, 1st lientenant, and Isaac A. Sweat 2d lientenant. It was assigned as Co. E. 11th Regt. 3d Brigade. This organization continued only about two years, and met on the first Tuesday in June for drill and exereise. Its uniform, arms and equipments were found by tho State, and besides had pay for its time. Regimental drills were held at Manchester.The following field and goneral officers belonged to this town : Major General, Isaac McDaniels, Col. Edward Vail, Col. Hiram Lillie and Maj. Miner Hilliard.
My limited knowledge of the science of Geology, will forbid giving a lengthy discourse, or anything like a fair showing of the interesting geological features of this town.
From Prof. A. D. Hagaris geological map of the State, we find that the middle and southern part of the town, is of the marble and limestone formation, while other portious of the town is of the taleod schist formation. Gold in alluvinm is found along mill river. There is none of the argillaceous or roofing slate formation found here, and which is found extensively a few miles west. Some portious of the rock formation in the western part of the town is said to be interstratified with silicious and magnesinm slate. Beds of the finest limestone. are found along the middle and southern part of the town, which was formerly quarried and burned. Extensive beds are also found in the southeastern part of the town, which has been burned to a considerable extent.
A bed of plumbago or black lead exists upon the Hilliard farm, now owned by Titus Lyon. This has been worked to some extent. Specimens of galena and sulphuret of lead have also been found in different parts of the town. Upon the north end of "Aeolus" or Dorset mountain, are extensive quarries of the finest marble, which are being worked since 1840, and the veinof marble in that portion of the town seems to be inexhanstible. Some of these veins are interstratified with black dikes, which present a very curious appearance, but which is not called quite so good as marble. There is a great variety of rock found here. Sandstones of very peculiar formation are found on some farms. A good building stone is found on the farm of William Herrick, as well as on several others. Lime is one of the principal constituents of most of the rocks.
There is also a great variety of soil found here, which is nearly all susceptible of cultivation. There is excellent meadow and pasture land to be found. Along the banks of Otter Creek are extensive alluvial meadows which are enriched by periodcial overflows. A large proportion of the soil on most of the farms is best adapted to the growth of grass, corn, grain, fruit &c, while a smaller portion is adapted to the growth of potatoes.
Clay fields are found to some considera le extent. Upon the farm of H. B. Kelly, elay has been found of the best quality for brick making. Largo deposits of muck are also found on many farms. Sand beds are numerous, which are f un)i to the greatest extent ia the northeastern part of the town.
There are some curiosities, which in this conneetion, will be worthy of notice. In the southeastern part of the town, and near the top of the mountain, is a cavern which decends like a well into the solid rock. Persons have been let down by a rope 150 feet perpendicularly into this cavern, without discovering any bottom. On the farm owned by O. B. Hulett, is a spring, issuing from the foot of the mountain, the water from which is sufficient to carry a saw mill, and which a drouth never effeets. And on the "Ilulett farm" oecupied by Lyman H. Bromley is a maple tree, from the body of which, grows an oak limb.
This town, like many others throughout the state, has several springs, which possess medical properties. It has been a well known faet for many years, that some of these springs possess mineral properties, which were curative in their nature, and were used as a medicinal agent. The mineral spring upon the farm of Ira H. Vail, has been known tor many years, and its water used. The subjeet of Mineral Spring water was much talked of during I869, which led to the discovery of other springs.
The most noted of the mineral springs in this town, is the one situated upon the farm of Isaac Nichols, discovered in 1869. This spring belongs to the "Chalbeate" elass, the essential fea ture of which, is tht= presence of Iro I in solution, the Iron being in the form of "Protoxide of Iron." It has been visited by many at home and from abroad, among whom are some eminent physicians, who pronounce the water equally as valuable, as that of any of the noted springs in the State, and its effeets are precisely the same. The water taken from this spring was sent to Boston, and aimlized by a praetical chemist, who gives the following analysis of its qualities i
Boston, 26th April, 1869.
Mr. I. Ntchols, Danby, Vermont:—The mineral water received from yon, has been analyzed, with the following result:
One gallon (standard) contains eight and one-tenth grains of dry mineral matter, consisting of Potash, Soda, Lime, Magnesia, and Protoxide of Iron, combined with Sulphurie, Silicin, Carbonic and Crenic Acids, and traces of Clorinc.
It is an aerated, alkaline chalbeate water. The compound of protoxide of iron, contained, is unusually stable, and will bear boiling without decomposition, and the presence of alkalies, with this, adds much to the value of the water, as a medicinal agent. It is like some of the favorite European waters, and worthy of a complete qualitative analysis. Respectfully,
S. Dana Hayes. State Assayer of Mass.
The spring is situated about two miles north of the Borough, and about one-half mile from the railroad, being conveniently accessible, and will no doubt rival any in this part of the State, in its medicinal effects. Although but a short time has elapsed since its diseoverA, its reputation has already become considerably extensive, and the water is being sought after from different sections.
The Danby Bank was chartered in Oct. 1850, and commenced business in 1851, with a capital of $50,000 dollars. Jesse Lapham was its first President, and held the office till Janua-y 1852. Jacob W. Moore was cashier from commencement till 1857. The first Directors were Jesse Lapham, Frederick Button, Eliada Crampton, Isaac B. Munson, and Augustus G. Clark, which board continued till January 1856, except Crampton who died, and George Capron was appointed in his place.
In 1855 Chester Hiteheock, then of Buffalo, N. Y. bought about nine-tenths of the Bank, and in January 1856, elected a new board, excepting Lapham, which board were as follows : Jesse Lapham, Isaac J. Vail, John H. Vail, Enoch Smith, and Udney Bnrk. In January, 1857, Lapham went out, and the directors then were John H. Vail, Isaac J. Vail, Charles M. Bruce, Enoch Smith, Udney Burk. Isaac J. Vail was elected President, and John H. Vail, Cashier.
The Bank failed in Sept. 1857, and Hon. A. L. Miner of Manchester was appointed Receiver, in Dec. following. When the Bank failed, C. Hiteheock and J. T. Hateh of Buffalo, owed it $80,000, which proved a total loss, and other bad debts made the loss exceed twice the amount of the capital stock.
Among the members of Farmers, Lodge were : Peres Brown, Nathan Weller, Henry Herrick Jr., Jared Lobdel, John Harrington, Samuel Emerson, Capt. Miner Hilliard, Ezekel Ross, Benjamin S. Phillips, John Signor Jr., Chad Phillips, Israel Fisk, Benjamin Fisk, Moses Ambler, John Lobdel, Israel Phillips, John Vunghan, William Vanghan, Renbin Fisk, Amos Ross, David Youngs, Abraham Allen, Elisha Leach, Andrus Eggleston, Nathun Weller Jr., John Griffith, Azurinh Hilliard, Nicholas Cook, Deliverenec Huskins, Elish Peckham, Alexander Tift, Andrew lCddy 2d, Pratt Curtis, Peter Harrington, Abuer Crofli, James Sweat Jr., John Allen, William B. Seley, Humphrey Gitford, Albemarle Williams, Jaman Curtis, Loring Dean, William Beebe, Carlton Gifford, William Johnson, Spencer Wales, Pain Gilbert, Moses Ward, Edmund Sherman, George W. Dewey, Iloscn Eddy, Arwin Hatehing, Ira Seloy, Paziah Crampton, Nicholas Jenks, Isaac Hilliard, Anthony Colvin, John Wood, Steadman Becbe, Channey Stevens, Leonard Palmer, Lemuel Stafford, Ephraim Roberts, Jacob Lyon, Abram Locke, Joseph Libbee, Allen C. Roberts, Stephen Calkins, Jonathan, Brewer, Josinh Phillips, Abel Huskins, Edward Vail Jr., Jonathan Weller, Lyman R. Fisk, Joseph Allen, Ormond N. Blin, Daniel A.xtel, David Sayles, Enoch Congor, Foster Harvy, Samuel Harnden.
Its treasurers were : Moses Ambler, Miner Hilliard. Samuel Emerson, John Wood, Israel Fisk. Its Seerataries were : John Lobdel, Chad Phillips, Moses Ward, Andrus Eggleston, Nicholas Jenks, Abrnm lx)cke, Stephen Calkins, Edward Vail Jr. Iis deacons were : Jared Lobdel, Israel Fisk, Miner Hilliard, Samuel Emerson, Deliverance Haskins, William B. Seley, Nicholas Cook, James Sweat, Anthony Colvin, Isaac Hilliard, Abel Haskins, Lyman R. Fisk.